Meteor! Jk, it's Meteor.js

26 Oct 2017

Meteor? Meteor in terms of Software Engineering is a web framework used to build and develop web and mobile applications in Javascript. Learning and understanding Meteor was difficult at first, but once you get into the groove of things it becomes much easier to understand. The way Meteor is setup makes building an application somewhat tedious which, for me, made it difficult to grasp. Although being able to run an application while coding it made everything much easier to edit and build the applicaion. The tedious part was making sure every bit of coding was correct so that when Meteor ran, it would not crash. Other things about Meteor that made it a little harder to follow as the placement of files where you would need to import files into other files so that the application would run as intended. Other than those tedious things about Meteor, building an application using Meteor was enjoyable to do and will be looking forward to creating and developing more applicaions with Meteor.