Script/Story Collaboration

Title: Subway Panic

Logline: An exhausted businessman takes the subway to go home, but when a teenage drummer boards the subway causing a disturbance, the businessman takes matters into his own hands.

Location: Inside a Subway car


  1. Bill is a exhausted businessman who works for a big corporation.
  2. Dave is a teenage drummer who works part-time at a fast food restaurant.


Beginning: After working overtime, Bill is exhausted and just want to go home and sleep. Bill takes the subway car to go home. As it’s going to be a long ride he decides to sleep for awhile, but then is awoken by Dave who is singing loudly. Bill tries to ignore him and goes back to sleep, but then is awoken again by Dave drumming on the pole.

Middle: Bill is getting really annoyed by Dave, so yells at Dave to stop making so much noise. Although, Dave can’t hear Bill because he has earphone on. To grab Dave’s attention, Bill finds a piece of paper on the ground, crumbles it, and throws it at Dave. As Dave is still drumming on the pole, the paper ball bounces off Dave’s drumming stick and the paper ball hits Bill in the face. Bill looks around in search for something else to throw, he spots his briefcase. Bill looks through his briefcase, he finds a rubber band and takes it out. Bill aims the rubber band at Dave when all of a sudden the subway car stops causing Bill to flick the rubber band in his own eye.

End: Bill has had enough, so he walks over to Dave. Before Bill could reach to Dave and say something, Dave gets up and leaves the subway car as he has reached his stop.

Title: Death Wish

Logline: A website is created where a people can place a death wish on any person. The fantasy murder/death wish is then executed by an anonymous killer.

Location: Takes place on a college campus inside a dorm room.

Characters: First character is a college student. Second character is the anonymous/ disguised killer.

The beginning: The student enters/ is in the dorm room upset and irritated by the ruckus being caused by his next door neighbor.

The middle: Hours pass by and student unable to sleep decides to go on his lap top. He comes across an ad on the internet that reads death wish. A person can place a death wish on any person and then describe how they wish the person to die. The price for this wish is not noted. Student believing that it is a joke then inputs a fantasy death wish on his next door neighbor.

Ending: A short while later, the next door neighbor quiets down. The student in the dorm then hears a large thud, and manic screaming. Afraid to leave his dorm room the student nervously listens to the murder playing out. At the end the anonymous killer then breaks into the students room to kill him. The price for the fantasy murder.